SiteProNews |
- Sales And Marketing Articles – Right Time – Right Message
- How to Set Up Your Video Marketing Studio in 30 Minutes or Less
- How to get Started With Google Analytics
- The Role of XSLT in Documents
- The New Rules of Content Creation for Social Media Marketing
Sales And Marketing Articles – Right Time – Right Message Posted: 11 Oct 2010 02:00 AM PDT
Instead view your marketing as a work in progress. You will want to test various keywords and articles to see which ones perform the best for you. You should be willing to invest several weeks, or months, to find just the right ‘formula’. Once you’ve got it dialed in that’s when the magic happens. Once you know that you’ve got a winning article all you have to do is rewrite it, keeping the focus and the keywords the same but changing it just enough to make it unique, and re-submit it. Do this with several sets of keywords and you’re going to get all the traffic you will need. And, that traffic will be highly targeted and totally free! Another thing to remember is that there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of online article directories that will accept your well written, unique article and publish it. You don’t have to worry about being rejected, you’re not submitting a novel. As long as you follow their terms of service and abide by their rules your article will be published. There are two schools of thought as to how many articles you should submit. Some say submit as many articles to as many directories as is humanly possible, while others say it’s about quality over quantity. In other words, several well written, keyword optimized articles will give you all the traffic you need so you don’t have to submit hundreds of articles. Personally, I think an approach that lands somewhere in the middle of these two extremes is best. Submit a lot of articles, about 50, using several keywords spread out over the articles. Submit them to several online article directories. Another thing to keep in mind to increase the effectiveness of your articles is that they must be on topic. If you’re selling product or services in the dog grooming niche you wouldn’t write an article about bird watching, would you? Believe it or not that is exactly the type of mistake many people make. Keep your articles tightly focused on your niche market and their needs When you write your resource or authors box make it something compelling. Don’t just say, ‘click here for more information”. Yawn. Instead be intriguing and tease your readers. Pique their curiosity or offer them something free if they click through to your site. To get the most out of your sales and marketing articles just use common sense. Provide your readers with a well written, informative, keyword optimized article and a strong call to action in your resources box and this is an extremely cost effective method of getting hordes of hungry visitors to your website. Get more traffic marketing tips at Post from: SiteProNews: Webmaster News & Resources |
How to Set Up Your Video Marketing Studio in 30 Minutes or Less Posted: 11 Oct 2010 02:00 AM PDT
You know you want to do video marketing consistently. You may even want to use video to create products and services. That means setting up a space to do video in. Because if you’ve taken my previous articles to heart you know that setting up your video properly makes a huge difference in how you and your company are perceived. The Complication of Video Marketing But that adds a complication, doesn’t it? Because now you have to move around a bunch of lights, mess up your workspace, tell everyone to keep their noise level down, choose a background, compose your shot, set your audio levels…well, you get the idea. It can be a royal pain in the you-know-what. Is there a better way? The answer is most definitely yes. In fact, you can get this whole prep session down to about 5 minutes. But there’s a catch. And the catch is that you have to make a decision. The Decision That Makes Video Marketing a Snap That decision is very, very simple and very, very hard. It’s simple, because once you make it, the way you make videos will be very easy from then one. You’ll save hundreds of hours that you can spend selling, creating products, devising marketing campaigns, the whole nine yards. But it’s also hard, because making the decision is also making a commitment. Ugh. There’s that word again. What are you committing to, precisely? I think you’ve already guessed it, haven’t you? The commitment is that you are going to use video to begin attracting your best clients in a kind of auto-pilot marketing program. It means you will be putting out video content on a regular basis; from once a week to once a month. And that is the sticking point for most people and most businesses. They aren’t really super-sold on the fact that video can truly help them or that it’s worth the time and trouble to set up a dedicated space. So if this is you, I have a solution for you. How to Quickly Set Up a Video Marketing “Studio” This solution will allow you to prove to yourself that video done right works really, really well. And it won’t cost you a penny to implement. Ready to find out how it works? Great! Right before I tell you how to set this up, I’d like you to see a particularly nice example of this solution in action. Please click on where it says “new video”: Now, did that look very difficult to pull off? Of course not! It looked like he was working at his desk, then just shifted in his chair to talk to you. That’s what we’re going to make your space look like. You can set this up in just a few minutes, and…this is the commitment part…keep the setup there for a few weeks. You may decide you like it so much that it becomes your permanent studio. Here’s what you’ll need to get started: 1. one video light 2. camera on a tripod set up at eye level 3. wired or wireless microphone plugged into the camera and ready to clip on. You can even set the light and camera aside if you place a mark on the floor where they will go when you need them. Set the light from 20 – 45 to the side of the camera. If you want to get crazy, hang a little backlight from the ceiling and leave it there out of the way. That’s it. That’s all you need to do. Remember composition. Where you place the camera is important. Put yourself off-center to create a pleasing composition, just as John has done in his video. If you want to review how to handle this particular piece when no one else is around, click here: The Unique Advantages of Your Own Video Marketing Studio And that’s all there is to it! You can literally have this entire “studio” set up in less than 30 minutes. Now anytime you get the inspiration to talk to your audience, you can do so on the spot and you’ll have the confidence to know that it will look fantastic. There’s one other less tangible benefit to all this. It will encourage you to keep your work area relatively clean. I find that a clean workspace tends to free my imagination anyway, so it might even make your videos better. Consistency in getting your message out is really important to establishing your credentials. Don’t let lack of a dedicated studio hold you back. You, your studio, and your unique message. Now there’s a match made in Hollywood! Steven Washer develops strategies and systems to help you succeed at video marketing. If you want to learn how to design, craft and distribute powerful videos to help you play on a bigger stage, simply claim your free video marketing gifts at: => Post from: SiteProNews: Webmaster News & Resources |
How to get Started With Google Analytics Posted: 11 Oct 2010 02:00 AM PDT
Set up a Google account – If you do not already have a Google account you will need to set up an account to continue -click on the link “Sign-up Now” and complete the requested information. Once your have established an account, login. Click on the “Sign Up” button and you are on your way. It is important to note before proceeding that you must be the owner of the website that you are wishing to track or have the permission of the website owner. Blog sites such as Wordpress often will have resources that will allow you to place code on your particular Blog page(s). Setup Google Analytics - You will be directed to a couple of input forms that will ultimately provide you the coding to produce tracking data for your website. - General Information – On this page you will be asked to submit your website’s URL, a name to serve as a domain identifier and finally your country and time zone. (You can elect to identify your locality based on your physical location or your target audience/primary user location.) - Contact Information - This will simply request your name and your physical location. - Accept User Agreement – Naturally, Google will request that you approve their Terms of Service. If they are acceptable to you check the box and click on “Create New Account”. - Add Tracking – Finally, Google Analytics will produce a Javascript code for your domain. This should be added to each page of your website at the very end of your page coding between and . Tracking your website – Once you have inserted the information onto each page, you will return to the Google Analytics page. Click on the link for the website you are wishing to review. This will bring you to the main “dashboard” and provide a wide range of general information including – daily usage, bounce rate, new visits, geographic locality of users, most viewed pages, etc. You can receive more detailed information by clicking on various menu items. Detailed information will include specifics like what browser your visitors were using, by what means they accessed your page (directly, search engines, etc.), what keywords were used when accessing via a search. Google Analytics offers an area for users to establish goals to focus on specific areas of interest and particular campaigns. Google Analytics is a powerful tool which offers the user such a wide range of in depth data the greatest risk is becoming overwhelmed by the amount of information received. Here you can check out everything there is to know about SEO Analytics, – And here I will show you how to get loads of FREE targeted visitors to your website Twitter Traffic Train Post from: SiteProNews: Webmaster News & Resources |
Posted: 11 Oct 2010 02:00 AM PDT
The best way to learn about XSLT is to visit the wonderful web site of the World Wide Web Consortium or the W3 School on the web. The definition of XSLT is eXtensible Stylesheet Language. This language is a stylesheet language for creating XML documents. The function of the XSLT is to transform XML into XHTML. There is a vast knowledge bank available there to learn how to use XSLT for web design. Certification tests and tutorials are available for the earning and learning. If you would like to do some practical applications of this language, there is an on line XSLT editor at the W3 School web site. The World Wide Web Consortium wanted to provide a language that would be an XML based stylesheet language. The evolution was first XSL and then XSLT, XPath and XSL-FO. With CSS, which is Stylesheets for HTML. Predefined tags are used with HTML and are well understood. With an HTML defined tag each browser knows how it must be displayed. CSS makes displaying special fonts or colors a simple task. The story is different with XSL. XSL is Stylesheets for XML. The opposite is the case with tags for XSL. XSL uses any tag-names with no predefined tag which makes XSL not well understood. When the browser sees XSL tag it will not know how to display it because in HTML the meaning of a tag defines a table but in XSL a tag might mean an HTML table or it could mean something else. There are more than 100 built in functions in XSLT. Here are some of the functions: – string values – numeric values – date and time comparison – node – QName manipulation – sequence manipulation – Boolean values There are many more functions with XSLT but these are just some of the notable ones. On your XSLT editor you will notice that the default prefix for the function namespace is fn: When calling a function fn: prefix, such as fn:string(). Another thing to take note of: since fn: is the default prefix of the namespace, the function names, when called, do not need to be prefixed. The purpose of XSLT is to transform XML documents into XHTML document. XSLT will also transform XML documents to other XML documents. Another language for navigating XML documents is XPath. The most significant part of XSL is when XSLT is recognized by a browser the way HTML and XHTML are, XSLT is used to transform an XML document into another XML document. Here is the big picture of what XSLT can do. The actual mechanism is transformation by XSLT of an XML source tree into an XML result-tree. This is done with an XSLT editor with add/remove elements and attributes to or from the output file. Many other rearrangements can also be done such as sort elements, perform tests and make decisions about which elements to hide and display. For more information on XSLT editor, visit – Post from: SiteProNews: Webmaster News & Resources |
The New Rules of Content Creation for Social Media Marketing Posted: 10 Oct 2010 10:00 PM PDT The real issue is that professional real estate agents/investors are being wrongly advised when it comes to creating and sharing content. Those things they are told might be relevant to their efforts – simply are not. Using information without taking a good look at the source of it will quite likely result in a real waste of your time and efforts. If you’re told that you should be tweeting, twittering, posting, and endlessly sharing, the advice you’re being given should be moderated by your own good sense. While other self-proclaimed experts may be leading you down a path, or giving you misplaced hope, the reality is that you probably will not be markedly successful in getting a social media campaign off the ground in a week or two. The best advice that you will get from anyone is to use your common sense and do your own thinking. There simply aren’t any quick fixes or instant gratification arenas for those who want to get social media campaigns working for their benefit. Most important of all, social media campaigns require relevant and excellent content to achieve. You can learn those strategies that it will take to share them, but the reality is that first that content must be created. The creation as well as the sharing of solid content will take time and learned skills to master. What Are Your Next Steps? Three key components are going to be next in line for you to get any measure of success. Identification, Recognition, and Organization. Identification – what is your role in getting solid, relevant content for your website or your customers? If you’re a creator, or a writer, or a curator, then you already know where you fit into the equation. The Creator can identify the need of the audience and can help to address that need. The solutions offered may be video, media of other varieties, written content, or even brochures. It may be a complete mixture of every type of content, including a blog that goes along with social media postings. A Curator for the content is someone who will sort through all of the internet content that is out there and find those things that may be applicable to their chosen or intended audience. This is quite literally a hunter-gatherer of the internet. Sharing links, offering tweets, getting articles and rewriting them, selecting what will be a good draw for your chosen audience and then creating something like that is what a curator/creator does. The Challenges that You Will Face Among the other challenges that you will face when you are furnishing content will be those of frequency and a balancing act. The content that you provide to your readers or viewers comes to them as a representation of you. Too much means that you are nothing more than a marketer, too little means that you don’t really care. This content doesn’t just come from your brand, it tells them a great deal about you. You’re going to want to not only balance the frequency of the content, but also to be sure that you check it yourself prior to offering it on your own website or other venue. Whether you elect to share that content in a feed, on a website, or on a single page, check it out first. Watch the videos and read the articles that you are offering as content to your audience. Poor advice, poorly written content, grainy videos that share information that is not relevant or aren’t well done, reflect badly on you. If you don’t create the content yourself, then at least take steps to vet it for quality and relevancy. Your end goal is to share content that you believe would be good for the customer or client. Offering them less than a helpful tip or good advice makes you look bad. Your primary purpose here is to expand your own reputation, as well as to give them content that will help them. If you give bad advice, it’s far worse than no advice at all. Frequency – No one wants an endless stream of things that say nothing at all. Lincoln once said it was better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak up and remove all doubt. That’s good advice whether you are speaking or offering content. Selecting a great deal of content and striving to offer an endless stream that gives no real benefit isn’t going to be in your best interests. Choose your content carefully and release it in drips, rather than in floods. Let your motivation be to release content that adds good quality advice to the lives of those who read it, not merely an endless stream of drivel. Tweeting, Facebooking, Digging, are all important aspects of getting your content out there, but make it good quality content that improves the outlook or the knowledge of your reader, not merely reminds them you are alive. The whole thing is about adding quality-to the reader’s life-as well as your own. Be a well-trusted source of advice, not an endless stream of drivel. Duncan Wierman is an Ex Software company CEO turned Real Estate Investor and Internet Marketer. Duncan teaches how real estate agents and investors can take their business to new levels using creating marketing methods to promote their business and get more leads. Get your free 14 day internet marketing e-course at: Post from: SiteProNews: Webmaster News & Resources |
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